TV Advisor
Choosing a TV package is not easy. TV Advisor is designed to help consumers find the right TV package based on what they watch and popular TV shows.
Numbers for the initial three months after launch:
39,938 Visitors
16,816 Completion Rate
42% Overall Completion Rate
Step1: User selects network shows.
Step 2: User selects premium shows.
Step 3: Results TV recommendation.
Site Elements
Updatable elements throughout the TV Advisor experience keep it relevant to current shows the consumers are watching.
The TV package sub nav allows users to see what type of TV package their choices place them into.
Shows are categorized with poster art enabling users to make choices based on shows they watch.
The result page has numerous outcomes based on the user’s selection. Below are samples of TV package recommendation heroes.
TV Advisor experience is also responsive, allowing users to find the right TV package on any device.